Original Compositions

Introduction and Passacaglia in G minor

Introduction and Passacaglia in G minor for Organ AutogrMS New York,
Score Organ
Introduction and Passacaglia in G minor for Orchestra AutogrMS
(Property of Carl Fischer)
Rockport MA,
Score Orchestra
Introduction and Passacaglia in G minor for Orchestra MS
(Copyright  1934 by The Arthur P. Schmidt Co.)
1933 Set of parts Orchestra
Introduction and Passacaglia in G minor for Orchestra MS
(Copyright  1934 by The Arthur P. Schmidt Co.)
1933 Set of parts Orchestra

Orchestral and Chamber Music

Suite for Orchestra AutogrMS 1901 Score Orchestra
Suite for Orchestra AutogrMS 1901 Set of parts Orchestra
Three Pieces for  Violin and small Orchestra AutogrMS 1907 Score Orchestra
Three Pieces for  Violin and small Orchestra AutogrMS 1907 Set of parts Orchestra
Three pieces for  the violin: Pastorale, Sehnsucht, Scherz Houghton & Co. 1906 score and violin part Violin and piano
Two compositions for violin: Idyll Schirmer
22003 c
1910 score and violin part Violin and piano
The Lament Houghton & Co. Solo part Violin and piano
Dreaming, op.5 Houghton & Co. 1894 Score and part Violin and piano
Suite for Violin and Pianoforte AutogrMS 1896 Solo part and fragment of the score Violin and piano
Chant d’amour AutogrMS score and violin part Violin and piano
Reverie (adapted for Violin) AutogrMS score and violin part Violin and piano

Opera, Oratorio, and Songs

Jupiter, L.L.D. AutogrMS 1894 Full score Opera
Jupiter, L.L.D. AutogrMS 1894 Score Opera
Killibeg Published MS 1911, York Score Comic opera
Three songs: Child Merial; Noon and Night; Two Epitaphs; AutogrMS 1895 Score Voice and piano
O Sweet content, op.7 Houghton 1898 Score Voice and piano
Weep no more Ricordi & Co. 1933 Score Voice and piano
Two songs: Cupid’s arrow; Winter Schirmer 1917 Score Voice and piano
Carol “Folk and facts” Magazine 1923 Score Voice and piano
Wasps of Aristophanes Greek Play Committee 1897 Score Oratorium
Wasps of Aristophanes Greek Play Committee 1897 Score Oratorium

Organ, Piano, Choral Music, Hymns Songs, Chamber Music, Orchestra (Winter), Miscellaneous

Sonata in A major for the Organ AutogrMS n/d Score Organ
Study for the Organ AutogrMS 1885 Score Organ
Air and Variations for the Organ AutogrMS Score Organ
Episode for Organ AutogrMS 1944 Score Organ
Choral Prelude on Tallis’ Canon for the Organ AutogrMS 1832,
Rockport MA
Score Organ
Nachspiel [Postlude in G minor] for the Organ AutogrMS n/d Score Organ
Introduction and Fugue in G-minor AutogrMS n/d Score Organ
Choral Prelude on the Tune” Leoni” AutogrMS 1944,
Rockport MA
Score Organ
Legend AutogrMS 1943,
Rockport MA
Score Organ
Gavotte in F AutogrMS 1984 Score Piano
Cadenza for the Concerto in B flat by Handel AutogrMS n/d Score Organ
Introduction in A major AutogrMS n/d Score Organ or Piano
Winter AutogrMS 1901,York Orchestra
41 Hymns AutogrMS 1931-1941 Score SATB
Pastoral Prelude on a Chinese Carol AutogrMS 1944,
Rockport MA
Score Organ
Choral Prelude on the Tune “St. Kilda” AutogrMS 1944,
Rockport MA
Score Organ
Choral Prelude on the Tune “Aberystwyth” AutogrMS 1942,
Rockport MA
Score Organ
St. Thomas (descant) AutogrMS 1948 Score Voice and Organ
And have the bright Immensities AutogrMS 1941 Score SATB a capella
O keep me close AutogrMS 1948 Score SATB a capella
The Holy Babe of Bethlehem AutogrMS 1948 Score SATB a capella
When I survey the Wondrous Cross AutogrMS 1945,
Rockport MA
Score SATB a capella
Sanctus Photocopy of MS n/d Score SATB and Organ
Sunshine AutogrMS 1921 Score Organ
Legend AutogrMS 1932 Score Organ
Thy Kingdom and dominion endure forever printed 1944 Score SATB and Organ
There is a name I look to hear AutogrMS n/d Score Organ
By the rivers of Babylon, Ps:137 AutogrMS n/d Score SATB a capella
Thy Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom AutogrMS n/d Score SATB and Organ
Sanctus AutogrMS 1936 Score SATB and Organ
Rest in peace AutogrMS 1921 Score SATB and Piano
We love the place, O God AutogrMS n/d,
Rockport MA
Score SATB and Organ
I will magnify Thee AutogrMS 1943,
Rockport MA
Score SATB and Organ
Come, O Thou Traveler unknown AutogrMS n/d Score SATB and Organ
To May MS 1886 Score Voice and Piano
King and Queen MS 1889 Score Voice and Piano
To my wife AutogrMS 1892 Score Voice and Piano
The last appeal AutogrMS 1892 Score Voice and Piano
[Trust] and Rain AutogrMS 1892 Score Voice and Piano
Rock him and rest AutogrMS 1892 Score Voice and Piano
Where the west wind AutogrMS 1892 Score Voice and Piano
I saw the weep AutogrMS 1892 Score Voice and Piano
Three songs: Despair or Slope; Autumn; My Love AutogrMS 1893 Score Voice and Piano
The grass looks green AutogrMS 1893 Score Voice and Piano
O’er the Sapphire Sea AutogrMS 1894 Score, fragment Voice and Piano
…sailed thy ship away AutogrMS 1894 Score, fragment Voice and Piano
Noon and Night MS 1895 Score Voice and Piano
To my wife MS 1895 Score Voice and Piano
He till the earth AutogrMS 1921 Score Voice and Piano
The Tryst AutogrMS 1923, 1933
New York
Score Voice and Piano
Thy way, not mine AutogrMS 1924,
New York
Score Voice and Piano
The walls that hold us AutogrMS 1933,
Score and voice part Voice and Piano
That Easter morn AutogrMS 1944, Rockport MA Score Voice and Piano
The Summons AutogrMS n/d Score Voice and Piano
O’er the Sapphire Sea AutogrMS n/d Score Voice and Piano
I love Thee AutogrMS n/d Score Voice and Piano
The Autumn AutogrMS n/d Score and voice part Voice and Piano
When all the world is young lad MS n/d Score Voice and Piano
I am the city beautiful AutogrMS n/d Score Voice and Piano
Gloria Domini
Nos. 1-13
AutogrMS n/d Timpani part Orchestra
Pieces for the violin
and piano
AutogrMS n/d Score,
Violin and Piano
Nos. 1-17 Printed MS n/d Violin part Orchestra
AutogrMS n/d Score,
Organ or Piano

York Pageant Music, Gloria Domini, Anthems, Fifty Free Organ Accompaniments

The York Pageant Music Banks & Son, 1909 1909 Score, The words written by James Rhoades Chorus and Orchestra
Gloria Domini, Op 15 Houghton & Co. 1904 Score For Baritone, Chorus and Orchestra
Blessed Art Thou, O Lord Carl Fischer 1941 SATB
Benedictus Es, Domine, No.2, in G-minor Arthur Schmidt 1932 SATB
Fierce was the wild billow, op.8, No.5 Oliver Ditson n.d. SATBdiv
The Pre-Christmas Antiphons and four Christmas Carols Schirmer 1913 SATB
Short communion service in A and E Arthur Schmidt 1928 SATB
Glory to God, op.16 Banks & Son n.d. SATB
I will magnify Thee Galaxy Music Corporation 1944 SATB
Lord of the worlds above Galaxy Music Corporation 1940 SATB
Come, O Thou Traveller unknown, op.8, No.6 n.i. n.d. SATB
Thy Kingdom and Dominion endure forever Property of Harvard Church Choir 1944 SATB
The Souls of the righteous, op. 8, No.1 Oliver Ditson n.d. SATB
Requiescant in pace Schirmer 1909 SATB
Souls of the Righteous Carl Fischer n.d. SATB
Souls of the Righteous Schirmer 1909 women’s voices
The Souls of the righteous, op. 8, No.1 B. F. Wood Music Co. n.d. SATB
Jubilate Deo in D The H. W. Gray Co. 1917 SATB
Magnificat Arthur Schmidt 1934 SATB
Into the woods my Master went Banks & Son 1912 SATBdiv
Requiescant in pace with Chinese text Christian Literature Society n.d. SATB
Communion Service Schirmer 1913 SATB
Festival Te Deum Galaxy Music Corporation 1940 SATB
Breathe on me, Breath of God Arthur Schmidt 1928 SATB
Communion Service in B-minor Arthur Schmidt 1930 SATB
O Sacred Head Surrounded Arthur Schmidt 1932 SATB
Rise up, O Men of God Arthur Schmidt 1925 SATB
We love the place, O God The H. W. Gray Co. 1944 SATB
Magnificat, Op.17 Banks & Son 1907 SATB
Fierce was the wild billow Parish choir 1916 SATBdiv
Sursum corda, Sanctus n.i. n.d. SATB
Come, O Creator Spirit, Come Banks & Son n.d. SATB
Carol, words by Cecil Alexander n.i. n.d.
O Wisdom, Op. 8, No. 4 The H. W. Gray Co., New York n.d. SATB
Fifty Free Organ Accompaniments Fischer & Bro 1949 Score Piano or Organ