Promoting Scholarship
Margaret Power Biggs Research Grant
In memory of Mrs. Biggs, a generous patron of the Organ Library, a research grant has been established to provide funding for performers and scholars desiring to make use of the Library’s holdings for special projects, such as a book, article. thesis, dissertation, or the preparation of a recording or special performance. Recent recipients have been made to Dr. Andrew Kotylo for research on M. Searle Wright) and to Kevin Birch (for research on the influence of nineteenth-century German musical style on American organ composers). For further details and application requirements,contact Carl Klein, Library Administrator via email:
Max B. Miller Book Award
Named in honor of the late Max. B. Miller (1927-2013), former Boston University Organist and one of the founders of the Organ Library, this award and monetary prize recognizes outstanding books relating to organ repertoire (composers, schools of composition, performance practice) or prominent performers. The most recent award went ex aequo to Barbara Owen (The Organ Music of Johannes Brahms) and Andrew Shenton (Olivier Messiaen’s System of Signs). Authors are invited to send copies of newly published works to the Organ Library, but all books published in English during the two-year period covered by the award will be considered.